Monday, November 18, 2019

Hiking @ Bukit Taisho, Bahau

If you wish to see or experience "sea of cloud" (云海) then Bukit Taisho is nearest place for you to go. Recently see a lot of people posting their amazing photo of Buki Taisho in their Facebook or Instagram, so i do some research and invite my amateur hiking group to go this place. Not much information can be found for this hill but you always can go Youtube a watch their vlog about how to come here.

The day before we are happy and drinking in our colleague's wedding dinner, next day we are driving from Melaka to Bahau for hiking. Some of did not sleep or have a good rest and the next thing we are here in Bukit Taisho. 

If you are using waze then don't choose "Bukit Taisho" as shown above, because it will lead you to graveyard. 

The correct location is to choose "Bukit Taisho Starting Point" as shown above.

If you follow Waze, it will lead you to this housing area, and you need to walk a bit before reach the entrance.

After you follow Waze direction, then just follow this red arrow, because there is nearest to main entrance and got parking also.

Main entrance

how it look like at 6am, please bring tourch light

6.15am view

This time we go Natural Scenery Park only

After one hour we are here

First time go Hiking for sunrise

Well maintain by volunteer 

Sea of cloud

Today we have thick cloud

As Malaysian i am proud that we have this view in Malaysia, don't need waste money go other country for same view.

Actually we are bless or lucky to see "sea of cloud" for almost 2 hours. According to local, normally they only can see it for 30 minute only.

sunrise view

sea of cloud

Strong wind

Up here really windy and cold, better than Bukit Larut. We really hope we can camping here enjoy nature beauty with free fresh air. This guy really can sleep everywhere he go.

Group Photo time

Please bring down your own rubbish

Hiking trail

our breakfast

After hiking we go nearby shop for breakfast. This is not a normal pau shop, this is pau manufacturer, so we buy pau from them and go nearby kopitiam to eat our pau. Pau here quite soft and got lot of varieties. 

Location: Bahau, Negeri Sembilan

Entrance Fee: FOC

Hiking Trail: around 1.7 Kilometer

Elevation gain : 158 meter
Hiking Time: around 45-60 minutes

Difficulties: 2/5 (Easy to 

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